About Eco-Care Trust

Initiated in 1995, Eco-Care Trust is a non-profit organisation with the mission to conserve our freshwater aquatic ecosystems.

The NGO was started by a volunteer group of committed citizens and was the answer to a need for an environmental group aimed specifically at the huge task of conserving the countries water resources like wetlands, dams and rivers through conservation projects and public awareness programs.  

Since its launch the Eco-Care Trust has developed into one of the most active non-governmental organizations regarding the conservation of South Africa’s natural water resources and ecosystems.

Common problems at most of the dams are water pollution, deteriorating water quality, loss of fish species diversity, fish kills,   unlawful gillnetting, no of very little policing, poaching, general unlawful conduct by anglers / visitors / local people,  littering, etc. 

State Departments in many instances don’t have the human resources to patrol and gather necessary information of what is happening at our dams and rivers.

Anglers and NGO’s can do much to fill this gap. Eco-Care Trust succeeded in securing credibility through their programs, and secured partners in government, environment and the water sector.







Eco-Care Trust Projects & Activities

Aquatic Watch

Through regular operations to many dams and rivers as well as reports from our volunteers throughout South Africa valuable information is gathered on the aquatic state of our freshwater eco-systems.



An on-going project, Eco-Clean involves the distribution of litterbags to visitors at dams, rivers and angling competitions. The aim of this is to educate people to clean up after themselves.


Anti-gill Nets

Unlawful gill nets are still a large problem in South African dams and rivers. Eco-Care Trust receives reports of gill nets in several areas of South Africa on a weekly basis.


Learn more  



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